
The Duel Pakistan लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

India's Leaders Need to Look Closer to Home

The Assault on Mumbai By TARIQ ALI The terrorist assault on Mumbai’s five-star hotels was well planned, but did not require a great deal of logistic intelligence: all the targets were soft. The aim was to create mayhem by shining the spotlight on India and its problems and in that the terrorists were successful. The identity of the black-hooded group remains a mystery. Blogging To The Bank 3.0. Click Here! The Deccan Mujahedeen, which claimed the outrage in an e-mail press release, is certainly a new name probably chosen for this single act. But speculation is rife. A senior Indian naval officer has claimed that the attackers (who arrived in a ship, the M V Alpha) were linked to Somali pirates, implying that this was a revenge attack for the Indian Navy’s successful if bloody action against pirates in the Arabian Gulf that led to heavy casualties some weeks ago. The Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, has insisted that the terrorists were based outside ...