याकूब मेमन की अपनी बेटी से आखिरी बातचीत
मुंबई में हुए सीरियल ब्लास्ट में मारे गए 257 लोगों की हत्या के जुर्म में आतंकवादी याकूब मेमन को 30 जुलाई 2015 को नागपुर सेंट्रल जेल में फांसी दे दी गई। मरने से पहले याकूब ने अपनी बेटी से फोन पर बातचीत करने की इच्छा जताई थी...
याकूबः बेटी, मेरा आखिरी सलाम, तुम उदास मत होना। दुआओं में याद रखना।
अपनी मां का ख्याल रखना।
बेटीः पापा...
याकूबः बेटी रो मत...ये होना था। तुमको अब ऐसे ही रहना होगा। ऐसे ही
जीना होगा। इसी तरह ही दुनिया का सामना करना होगा। पर बेटी, तुम ये मत समझना कि
मैं गुनहगार था। तुम्हारा पापा गुनहगार नहीं था। मैं आखिरी वक्त में झूठ नहीं बोल
सकता। मेरे भाइयों ने यह सब किया था। अगर मैं इसमें शामिल होता तो मैं कभी खुद को
सीबीआई के हवाले नहीं करता।
बेटीः पर, पापा ये तो आपके साथ धोखा हुआ न।
याकूबः बेटी, अब इसे जो भी समझो। लेकिन मेरा यकीन तो भारतीय संविधान
और यहां की अदालत में मरते दम तक रहेगा। ...और तुम भी इसे बनाये रखना। देखो जज
साहबान ने कितनी सुबह तक इस पर सोचा कि मुझे फांसी दी जाए या नहीं। बेटी, ऐसा कहीं
और नहीं होता। तमाम मुसलमान देशों में तो मौत का बदला फांसी ही है। यहां भी फांसी
की सजा है लेकिन यहां मुलजिम को अपनी बात कहने की पूरी छूट दी जाती है।
बेटीः पर, पापा इस नाटक का फायदा क्या है।
याकूबः बेटी, ये तुमको नहीं समझ में आएगा। इसी को तो सियासत कहा जाता
है। पर बेटी, ये फांसी मुझे इसलिए अच्छी लग रही है कि बहुत जल्द मेरी रूह अल्लाह
के पास परवाज कर जाएगी। मैं दुनिया से आजाद हो जाऊंगा। बेटी, पिछले 20 साल से मैं
जेल में सड़ रहा था। अब मौत मेरे सामने है तो यह एक आजादी ही है। बेटी, मैं तो डरा
हुआ था कि कहीं मेरी फांसी टल न जाए और मुझे इस जेल में हर पल तड़प-तड़प कर मरना
बेटीः पापा, टीवी वाले बता रहे थे कि आपने फांसी की माफी के लिए
पिटिशन लगाई। अब नहीं चाहते थे कि फांसी हो...
याकूबः बेटी, ये बहुत उलझी हुई बातें हैं। इस देश के सेकुलर लोग और
फांसी विरोधी लोग नहीं चाहते थे कि मुझे फांसी हो। मैंने सीबीआई की मदद की थी, इस
केस को हल करने में। रमन साहब जिंदा होते तो वह भी आज मेरे हक में खड़े होते। इन
लोगों का कहना है कि जिसने कानून की मदद की हो, उसे फांसी नहीं होनी चाहिए।...और
बेटी इन्हीं लोगों की वजह से तो मैं अपने देश भारत लौटा था यह बताने के लिए कि
मुंबई में 257 निर्दोष लोगों की जान लेने वाला मेरा ही सगा भाई है।
बेटीः पापा...पापा...वो लोग टीवी पर यह भी कह रहे थे कि गुजरात में जो
दंगा हुआ, उसके आरोपियों को आज तक फांसी नहीं हुई।...वो लोग किसी जकिया जाफरी का
नाम ले रहे थे कि उन्हें इंसाफ नहीं मिला।...और न जाने क्या-क्या कह रहे थे...पर
उनकी बातें मुझे अच्छी लग रही थीं पापा।
याकूबः बेटी, भारत में होने वाले दंगों में हत्यारों को कभी फांसी
नहीं होती और न आगे कभी होगी। क्योंकि इन दंगों में गरीब मारे जाते हैं। उन
बेचारों के लिए कहां इतने महंगे वकील खड़े होते हैं। न अपील होती है और न तारीख पर
तारीख पड़ती है...बेटी, वो जकिया जाफरी, उन एहसान जाफरी की बीवी हैं, जिनके घर में
दंगों के दौरान 57 लोगों ने पनाह ली थी। उस घर में पेट्रोल छिड़कर कर सभी को जिंदा
जलाकर मार डाला गया था। पूरे गुजरात में इस तरह के दंगे हुए थे। नरोदा पाटिया में
भी ऐसा हुआ था...तमाम जगहों पर। इन घटनाओं की साजिश करने वाले आज भी जिंदा हैं।
मजबूत हैं, उनके पास पावर है।... बेटी, जकिया मैडम को इंतजार है कि शायद एक दिन
हत्यारों को फांसी होगी। पर, वो भोली हैं। उन्हें मालूम नहीं कि उनकी यह चाहत कभी
पूरी नहीं होने वाली है।...बेटी, ऐसे तमाम मामले हैं।
बेटीः पर पापा, गुजरात और बाकी मामलों में अदालतों ने ऐसी तेजी क्यों
नहीं दिखाई...
याकूबः बेटी, और बड़ी हो जाओ। कानून की पढ़ाई करना। तब तुम नजदीक से
जान पाओगी कि अदालतें ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर पातीं...बेटी जज साहबान भी तो आखिर इंसान
ही हैं न।...बस अभी इतना ही समझो। हो सके तो जब तुम वकील बनना तो मेरे जैसे या
दंगों में प्रभावित गरीब लोगों की मदद करना। उनसे कोई फीस न लेना।....बेटी जेलर
साहब कह रहे हैं, बातचीत लंबी हो रही है। फांसी का वक्त भी आ पहुंचा है। इसलिए
बेटी...अब अलविदा।
बेटीः पापा...आप फिक्र न करें। मैं अम्मीजान का ख्याल रखूंगी।...इसी
मुल्क में रहूंगी और भारतीय संविधान पढ़कर यहां के जजों और अदालतों को नजदीक से
जानने की कोशिश करूंगी।...जकिया जाफरी को इंसाफ मिलते देखूंगी...अल्लाह हाफिज
(यह काल्पनिक बातचीत है। इसे सच न समझें। यह महज एक उद्गार है)
Yakub Memon last conversation with his daughter Zubaydah.............................. .................... ..................Mumbai serial blasts that killed 257 people, Jacob Memon terrorist murder July 30, 2015 were executed in Nagpur Central Jail. Before he died, Jacob expressed a willingness to negotiate on the phone with her daughter ...Yakubः daughter, my last salute, you do not get dejected. Remember compliments. Take care of your mother.
Betiः Papa ...
Yakubः daughter Do not Cry ... They had to be. You have to be like that now. Would like to live. Likewise, the world will face. But dear, you do not understand it I was the culprit. Your father was not guilty. At the last moment I could not lie. My brothers had it all. I would if I never involved myself quoting CBI does not.
Betiः, the father that you are not deceived.
Yakubः daughter, now also understand. But believe me, the Indian Constitution and the court will be to the death. ... And you maintain it. Look how the judge Sahban thought this morning that I should be hanged or not. Daughter, it is not anywhere else. In many Muslim countries, the revenge of the death is hanging. It also sentenced to death but the accused is given the freedom to have their say.
Betiः, the father is the point of this drama.
Yakubः daughter, that you will not understand. That is called the politics. But dear, I'm so looking good is the execution that very soon will be the springboard to my soul to Allah. I will be free from the world. Daughter, the last 20 years I've been rotting in jail. Now death in front of me, so this is a freedom. Daughter, I was afraid that something is not broken my hanging and I have to die in prison every moment yearning-yearning.
Betiः father, were told TV Pitisn put you to death for forgiveness. Now did not want to be hanging ...Yakubः daughter, these are complicating things. The country's secular people hanging anti-people did not want to hang me. I had to help the CBI, to solve the case. Raman sir alive today he is standing on my right. These people say that the law be of help, should not hang him .... and daughter because of these people, so I let my country had returned to India in Mumbai, which killed 257 innocent people is my brother.
Betiः Dad ... Dad ... They were saying on TV that even rioting in Gujarat, the accused has not executed until today .... Those guys were named Zakia Jafri them justice .... and what did not go ... but they were saying things I was good-looking father.
Yakubः daughter, in riots in India and ever further will not hang killers ever. The poor are killed in these riots. Where such an expensive lawyer to those poor fellows are standing. There is no appeal and no date has to date ... Daughter Zakia Jaffery, wife of Ehsan Jaffrey those whose home during the riots, 57 people had taken shelter. Chidkr gasoline burned alive in that house all had been killed. Such riots across Gujarat. Naroda Patiya also happened ... all places. The plot of these events are still alive today. Are strong, they have the power .... daughter, Zakia Madam wait that maybe one day the killers would hang. However, they are naive. They do not know that his desire is never to be fulfilled .... daughter, all such cases.
Betiः Papa, Gujarat and in other cases by the courts, why not show such rapid ...
Yakubः daughter, and get bigger. To study law. Then you will get to know closely the courts are not as ... Why, after all, are human, not Sahban daughter judge .... just so understand. If this can be when you become a lawyer like me or to help poor people affected in the riots. Do not take any fees from the jailer's daughter, sir ..... are saying, conversation is getting longer. Also hanging time is come. So ... Now goodbye daughter.
Betiः Dad ... You do not worry. I take care of Ammijan ....'ll be in the same country and its judges read the Constitution and the courts will try to close to the Zakia Jafri justice .... There'll see ... Allah Hafiz father ...
(This is a hypothetical conversation. It's true, do not. It's just an exclamation)
Betiः Papa ...
Yakubः daughter Do not Cry ... They had to be. You have to be like that now. Would like to live. Likewise, the world will face. But dear, you do not understand it I was the culprit. Your father was not guilty. At the last moment I could not lie. My brothers had it all. I would if I never involved myself quoting CBI does not.
Betiः, the father that you are not deceived.
Yakubः daughter, now also understand. But believe me, the Indian Constitution and the court will be to the death. ... And you maintain it. Look how the judge Sahban thought this morning that I should be hanged or not. Daughter, it is not anywhere else. In many Muslim countries, the revenge of the death is hanging. It also sentenced to death but the accused is given the freedom to have their say.
Betiः, the father is the point of this drama.
Yakubः daughter, that you will not understand. That is called the politics. But dear, I'm so looking good is the execution that very soon will be the springboard to my soul to Allah. I will be free from the world. Daughter, the last 20 years I've been rotting in jail. Now death in front of me, so this is a freedom. Daughter, I was afraid that something is not broken my hanging and I have to die in prison every moment yearning-yearning.
Betiः father, were told TV Pitisn put you to death for forgiveness. Now did not want to be hanging ...Yakubः daughter, these are complicating things. The country's secular people hanging anti-people did not want to hang me. I had to help the CBI, to solve the case. Raman sir alive today he is standing on my right. These people say that the law be of help, should not hang him .... and daughter because of these people, so I let my country had returned to India in Mumbai, which killed 257 innocent people is my brother.
Betiः Dad ... Dad ... They were saying on TV that even rioting in Gujarat, the accused has not executed until today .... Those guys were named Zakia Jafri them justice .... and what did not go ... but they were saying things I was good-looking father.
Yakubः daughter, in riots in India and ever further will not hang killers ever. The poor are killed in these riots. Where such an expensive lawyer to those poor fellows are standing. There is no appeal and no date has to date ... Daughter Zakia Jaffery, wife of Ehsan Jaffrey those whose home during the riots, 57 people had taken shelter. Chidkr gasoline burned alive in that house all had been killed. Such riots across Gujarat. Naroda Patiya also happened ... all places. The plot of these events are still alive today. Are strong, they have the power .... daughter, Zakia Madam wait that maybe one day the killers would hang. However, they are naive. They do not know that his desire is never to be fulfilled .... daughter, all such cases.
Betiः Papa, Gujarat and in other cases by the courts, why not show such rapid ...
Yakubः daughter, and get bigger. To study law. Then you will get to know closely the courts are not as ... Why, after all, are human, not Sahban daughter judge .... just so understand. If this can be when you become a lawyer like me or to help poor people affected in the riots. Do not take any fees from the jailer's daughter, sir ..... are saying, conversation is getting longer. Also hanging time is come. So ... Now goodbye daughter.
Betiः Dad ... You do not worry. I take care of Ammijan ....'ll be in the same country and its judges read the Constitution and the courts will try to close to the Zakia Jafri justice .... There'll see ... Allah Hafiz father ...
(This is a hypothetical conversation. It's true, do not. It's just an exclamation)
बृजेश सिंह